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    9:00 am - 5:00 pm
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HVAC Annual Maintenance in Toronto


The Diako team offers the most affordable HVAC annual maintenance services in Toronto. We ensure your HVAC system does not disappoint you during warm and cold seasons. With our HVAC annual maintenance options, you can save your investment and let your system run smoothly and efficiently.

Annual HVAC Systems Maintenance is Crucial For Every Facility

Our annual HVAC systems maintenance services aim to keep your systems running during all seasons without surprise breakdowns while operating efficiently.

Due to people’s infrequent interaction with HVAC systems, it is understandable that their maintenance requirements can be easily forgotten or neglected.

However, you should know that without manual HVAC maintenance services, your system cannot last more than two years. Additionally, you need to expect to pay for expensive repair services for various damages after a while.

With our annual HVAC inspection and maintenance, we can help protect your investment and prevent the possibility of incurring significant expenses for your HVAC systems in the future.

Diako is a reputable and reliable choice for affordable HVAC manual maintenance services in Toronto, ensuring high-quality service at a reasonable cost.

Our experienced technicians always deliver the highest quality HVAC maintenance services using the latest technologies, equipment and methods.

Benefits of Annual HVAC Systems Maintenance Services

When you invest in annual maintenance for HVAC systems, you can expect several benefits that make the cost worth it. These benefits can be categorized into immediate advantages and preventive measures to avoid future problems.

  1. Enhanced Performance: A tuned-up HVAC system operates at its peak performance, ensuring efficient heating and cooling in your home.
  2. Improved Energy Efficiency: Our regular and annual HVAC maintenance helps optimize your system’s energy efficiency, lowering utility bills and reducing energy consumption.
  3. Consistent Comfort: With a well-maintained HVAC system, you can enjoy consistent and comfortable indoor temperatures throughout the year.
  4. Increased Reliability: Our HVAC annual maintenance helps identify and address potential issues early on, reducing the chances of unexpected breakdowns and ensuring reliable operation.
  1. Extended Lifespan: Regular maintenance extends the lifespan of your HVAC system by minimizing the risk of premature failure and reducing wear and tear.
  2. Cost Savings: Annual HVAC maintenance can save significant repair costs in the long run by preventing major breakdowns and promptly addressing minor issues.
  3. Better Indoor Air Quality: Properly maintained HVAC systems provide cleaner air by reducing dust, allergens, and pollutants in your home.
  4. Warranty Compliance: Some HVAC manufacturers require annual maintenance to maintain coverage, ensuring you stay within warranty terms.

Considering these immediate and preventive benefits, the cost of HVAC annual maintenance is worthwhile, as it protects your investment, promotes energy efficiency, and prevents costly repairs or replacements in the future.

Our Annual HVAC Systems Maintenance Tasks

Homeowners often need help to wholly tune up their HVAC system since a comprehensive tune-up requires specific skills, tools, and knowledge only experienced HVAC technicians possess. When you call us to perform annual HVAC system maintenance, here’s what you can expect:

During our annual HVAC maintenance session, we ensure you have an accurately calibrated thermostat to guarantee comfort throughout all seasons.

 Loose connections pose a safety hazard and can lead to improper functioning, resulting in a shortened equipment lifespan. We also conduct voltage and current measurements on equipment motors.

Insufficient lubrication results in excessive friction within the system, leading to overheating and eventual breakdown. The components can move fluidly by applying lubrication, reducing electricity consumption and lowering your energy bills.

We will examine the condensate drain to ensure proper drainage and cleans it if required during our annual HVAC maintenance services.

 In our work, we ensure that the start cycle, operation, and shut-off sequence follow a specific pattern. We diligently inspect the controls to verify that everything functions safely and correctly.

Problems with your HVAC system’s blower can decrease equipment efficiency by up to 15 percent. By making necessary adjustments, we ensure adequate airflow and optimal efficiency.

Dirty coils gradually reduce efficiency and cause the equipment to run longer. Annual cleaning of the HVAC system’s coils is a crucial aspect of maintaining the A/C’s capacity, resulting in lower energy bills and extending the lifespan of the equipment.

If the air conditioner was excessively charged during installation, you might pay more than necessary for cooling your home. Similarly, an undercharged system can occur if there is a leak. Our technicians carefully examine these situations, fix any identified leaks, and recharge the system if needed. This ensures optimal efficiency and cost-effective cooling for your home.

 Inadequate gas or oil connections pose a significant fire hazard and can lead to health issues if fumes escape your home. We prioritize the tightening of these connections to ensure safe and secure operation.

Incorrect pressure, a dirty burner, or a cracked heat exchanger compromise safety and lead to inefficient HVAC operation. We perform the necessary adjustments to optimize the pressure and clean the burner, which are effective measures for improving performance and reducing heating bills.

Our HVAC Annual Maintenance Options in Toronto

We offer the most comprehensive and affordable HVAC annual maintenance options (packages) in Toronto to help homeowners and business owners maintain comfortable interiors for their families and workers.

  1. Basic HVAC Tune-Up
  2. Comprehensive Maintenance Package
  3. Seasonal Maintenance Contracts
  4. Energy Efficiency Audits
  5. Planned Replacement Programs
  6. Air Duct Cleaning

HVAC Annual Maintenance Cost

We offer HVAC annual maintenance visits at a flat fee ranging from $75 to $200. If significant repairs are necessary, we provide transparent pricing, with the most complex parts requiring an investment of $2,000 to $3,000.

HVAC Maintenance Cost by Type of Your Unit

Repair Type

Average Cost Range

Thermostat Replacement

$100 – $300

Capacitor Replacement

$150 – $250

Blower Motor Replacement

$300 – $600

Condenser Coil Cleaning

$100 – $200

Refrigerant Recharge

$150 – $400 (per pound)

Compressor Replacement

$1,500 – $2,500

Heat Exchanger Replacement

$1,500 – $3,000

Fan Motor Replacement

$200 – $500

Ignitor Replacement

$100 – $300

Control Board Replacement

$200 – $500

Ductwork Repair/Replacement

$500 – $2,000 (or more, depending on scope)

HVAC Maintenance Cost by Repair Type

Repair Type

Average Cost Range

Thermostat Replacement

$100 – $300

Capacitor Replacement

$150 – $250

Blower Motor Replacement

$300 – $600

Condenser Coil Cleaning

$100 – $200

Refrigerant Recharge

$150 – $400 (per pound)

Compressor Replacement

$1,500 – $2,500

Heat Exchanger Replacement

$1,500 – $3,000

Fan Motor Replacement

$200 – $500

Ignitor Replacement

$100 – $300

Control Board Replacement

$200 – $500

Ductwork Repair/Replacement

$500 – $2,000 (or more, depending on scope)

Air Filter Replacement

$10 – $30

Condensate Drain Line Cleaning

$75 – $150

Gas Valve Replacement

$200 – $500

Flame Sensor Cleaning/Replacement

$75 – $200

Expansion Valve Replacement

$300 – $600

Evaporator Coil Replacement

$1,000 – $2,000

Electrical Wiring Repair

$100 – $300 (or more, depending on complexity)

Zone Control System Repair

$200 – $500 (or more, depending on complexity)