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  • 270 Enford Rd, Richmond Hill, ON L4C 3E8
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    9:00 am - 5:00 pm
24/7 Emergency Service




Best Temperature Setting for Electric Heated Floors

In modern home comfort, electric heated floors are a radiant testament to technological advancement, transforming the chilly embrace of cold tiles into a warm, welcoming experience. As the popularity of these systems continues to soar, homeowners are often left pondering a crucial question: What is the ideal temperature setting for electric heated floors? Striking the […]

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How to Winterize Air Conditioners?

As the days grow shorter and the crispness of winter approaches, it’s time to start thinking about protecting your air conditioning system from the harsh elements. While many associate air conditioners solely with cooling, these units also require attention during the colder months to ensure their longevity and optimal performance once the warmer weather returns. […]

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Is Ductwork Cleaning Worth It?

Let’s start with a quick answer to the question above – as soon as you suspect that there is a problem! No, we may not have the coldest winter weather in the country. That does not mean, however, that you can afford to take risks with the condition and operation of your home heating system.

In today’s post, we’ll cover some common red flags that should have you reaching for the phone to call the heating technicians on our team. No problems are really “minor” enough to ignore. The longer you wait to have them resolved, the more likely it becomes that they’ll do serious damage to your system. When in doubt, after ruling out any obvious catalysts, it is time to call in the pros. This protects both your comfort and your heater itself.

We want to start with this one because, while it is a fairly obvious problem, it is also one that homeowners tend to ignore. Why?

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